On this page check details of all Dak Ghar / Post Offices with PinCode 482002. There are total of 26 post offices in Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh (MP), India (IND) with same PIN code order. There are Post offices given below -
- Agasaud
- Archha
- Belkhadu
- Dixitpura
- Ganjipura
- Garha Phatak
- Gohalpur
- Gurandi Bazar
- Hanumantal
- I.T.I
- Jabalpur City
- Jonesganj
- Kamala Nehru Nagar
- Karmeta
- Lordganj
- Mangela
- Miloniganj
- Motinala
- Nagar Nigam
- Pachkuiyan
- Simaria
- Sukha
- Surtalai
- Telegraph Work Shop
- Vijay Nagar Colony (Jabalpur)
- Wright Town